
Community FAQ


Quick links out of the FAQ

What's a glop?

Glops are earned by participating in SketchClub

Glops are also awarded through compos. Here's the typical break down:

Comment replies

To reply to someone in a comment, tap and hold their name and choose "Copy Link" then paste that link in your comment. After the comment is posted it will change to their nickname and they will receive a push notification that you mentioned them in your reply.

Rating sketches

Rating sketches is a great way for you to earn glops as well as give feedback to others on how good their creations are. You don't have to be afraid about hurting anyone's feelings by giving a sketch a bad rating. Your rules votes are publicly visible on your profile page but piggy and sucks votes are kept private. Even piggy and sucks ratings help sketches move up through the ranks (just at slower speed than rules) so go ahead and rate each sketch you view!

What's the deal with hearts?

You get another heart after every 150 glops you earn. You should give your hearts to the sketches you most like and their creator will receive some bonus glops!

How do sketches get featured?

The top entries in each compo win their creators 's which when given to sketches feature them on the front page! Featured sketches are also selected from Groups and by SketchClub to continually show off some of the coolest creations being uploaded.

How do I delete a sketch?

To delete a sketch you've uploaded just visit the page for the sketch and then tap the "Edit your sketch infos" button under the preview. There you'll see a delete button in the bottom right.

How do I search for an artist or sketch?

To access search scroll to bottom of the home page and tap the Search link in the explore box. Type in the name of the artist or sketch you are searching for and the results will pop up. Tap the filter bar at the bottom to switch between viewing results for sketches or artists. Tap here to go directly to search now.

How do I start a live stream?

Live streaming is currently only supported for iPads. If you have an iPhone or iPod you can watch live streams but you cannot broadcast them yet. Check out this video for details on starting and viewing live streams (along with some other useful features like reference image and chatting while drawing)

What does linking with Facebook or Google do?

When you view your profile in SketchClub on your iPad, iPod, or iPhone you'll see the Link to Facebook and Link to Google options. If you do this then you can access your SketchClub account by logging in with Facebook or Google from any computer. If you had already logged into the site this way then a guest account was automatically created for you and is upgraded and merged to your member account once you link from your device. You can do this linking from each iPad and iPhone you own so they all get tied to your same SketchClub account.

I got a new iPad how can I access my old account?

Check out the pages on Getting a new device / Restoring sketches from backup and Recovering old accounts

I have a question that isn't answered here, what do I do?

You can also check out the online forum where you can ask questions if you need help or also the online chat. And of course you're always welcome to email with your questions!